Cerebral hurt: reality and hope
The cerebral hurt is a disability that can give place to which the affected person suffers physical, psychic and sensory sequels.
The appearance of any disease, it produces important changes in the life of the patients and of his relatives, but if in addition we speak about neurodegenerative diseases (disease of Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc.), or of pathologies produced by unforeseen events (traffic accidents, labor, ictus, etc.), the intervention in the treatment has different dimensions; they are diseases in which it is necessary an integral treatment that it includes so much the attention to the patient, since to his relatives or keepers and in the majority of the times of a long period of rehabilitation.
It is fundamental, before any cerebral struck hurt (DCS), to act prematurely, to minimize in possible the later sequels or to slow down the appearance of the same ones. It is necessary, a rehabilitation and integral attention.
Cerebral hurt and the diagnosis of the patient
From the diagnosis the patient must be attended to physical, psychological level and neuropsicológico of form interdiscipline. As well as to prioritize from the first moment the attention, information, formation and I support the direct relatives, being fundamental this for the best treatment of the patient.
From the beginnings, REDACE Mediterranean, has dedicated his work to patients of any age with cerebral hurt, but the reality in which we move, has led us to developing a much more wide, complete project unified for the attention infanto – juvenile, in the field of the neurorehabilitación and early attention.
We possess for it the experience, professionalism and dedication in this professionals’ field, making possible this way the SPECIALIZED UNIT OF EARLY ATTENTION, VALUATION AND REHABILITATION INFANTO – JUVENILE. Our Unit REDACE Mediterranean, account with the following areas you will interdiscipline of Diagnosis and Treatment (INFANTILE – JUVENILE AND ADULTS):
– area of Psychology – Neuropsychology – area of Occupational Therapy – area of Speech therapy – area of physicotherapy onsult Us.
We promise to look for the best solutions. With the possibility of being able to be attended so much in hospitalization, consultation or to domicile.
Dra. Illuminated Pastor
Expert in Neuropsychology (Coordinator of the Unit)