Do you suffer from bunions or deformed toes?
Studies carried out in both Spain and the UK coincide that up to 70% of the population have problems with its feet. The majority of those affected are women with problems in the forefoot, bunions and deformities on the toes (those called Hammer Toes and Claw Toes).
This female gender prevalence indicates the importance of the type of footwear; high heels (in excess of 5cms) and pointed shoes. In addition, the genetic factor has to be taken into consideration.
The continuous use of high heels causes the toes to slide towards the narrowest point of the footwear, which in time could cause a bone deformity into a claw and finally develop a bunion or hallux valgus.Also important to point out that this excess of pressure and rubbing encourages the formation of painful corns sometimes disabling and with great repercussions on your health and wellbeing.
Good footwear must have some basic characteristics: to protect and accommodate the foot, to support it when walking without compressing the toes and also ensure a homogenous pressure distribution on the foot sole.
Treatment for bunions
Therefore, the shoe must be adapted to the shape of the foot and have a good sole to protect the base of the foot. Treatment for these deformities is ultimately with surgery. There are more than 150 similar surgical techniques to treat bunions. Choosing the appropriate procedure will depend on the degree of deformity, the age, health of the patient, the biomechanical examination of the foot and most importantly the degree of experience of the surgeon.
80% of women with problems in the forefoot are as a consequence of the shoes they wear
The San Roman Clinic is a medical centre exclusively dedicated to Podiatry, treating affections and deformities of the feet. Founded in 1979 by D. Jose Manual San Roman, is pioneer in Europe in minimal invasive or percutaneous surgery of the foot for the treatment of bunions (hallux valgus) and deformities of the toes (hammer and claw). It has more than 35 years experience treating patients with bunions, following a surgical method that is both safe and effective with excellent long-term results.
Modern surgery advances towards techniques that allow a faster recovery with fewer complications. Our surgical technique consists in a minimal incision that causes the least damage to the tissues, with a fast recovery with hardly any inconvenience or complications. It is performed under local anaesthetic and is an outpatient service. It does not require fixing with any screws or pins and our patients come out walking unaided and they have a better and less painful recovery.
If you have a problem with your feet, do not delay it any longer, time will only aggravate the condition.
Other non-surgical treatments:
-We do all types of specialized podiatric treatments (papilloma, nail problems, etc.)
-and orthotics (plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, plantar problems, etc.)
-we make orthotic forms to measure having done a study of the walk in both a static and dynamic mode
Doctors San Román
Chiropodists and doctors specializing in foot surgery
*Article published in Mas Que Salud magazine nº 41.