Facial rejuvenation: surgical and not surgical technologies
To relieve the signs of the age there exist different technologies of facial rejuvenation, from surgical interventions to not surgical.
The zone most affected by the step of the years is the face, since it remains exposed constant. Though it is true that the aging affects all the alive beings, this degenerative and progressive process is more evident in this part.
In the face we estimate with the time different changes, since it are the decrease of the eyebrows, loss of volume of the cheeks and the lips, deepening of the nasogenian folds, appearance of folds peribuccal and periorbital, accompanied of different degrees of drooping of the facial fabrics and in the neck.
To attenuate these signs we have different technologies, depending on the need of the person. Not being any substitute of other, but complementary.
Not surgical technologies of facial rejuvenation
Between the not surgical technologies we arrange of so known “botox” or toxin botulínica To, that is a good remedy for the wrinkles of the forehead and space between the eyebrows, with a duration of approximately 6 months. It can combine with landfills or fillers as the hyaluronic acid, to return the volume in lips and cheekbones, or with tensile threads that produce a stimulus in the regeneration of the collagen, being more evident within a few months of his application.
All this can complement with the treatment of Rich Plasma in Platelets, which the quality of the skin will improve us.
Surgical technologies of facial rejuvenation
Between the surgical technologies we have the facial Lifting cérvico, which purpose is to re-put in his site the fabrics that have been unhooked, offering more lasting results and providing to the face a natural and agreeable appearance.
Nowadays it is very common to fulfil the facial lifting combined with oily grafts of the own patient, in the same surgical act, which is going to return the volume lost in the zone of cheekbones and lips, and at the same time it will contribute a major quality to the skin, for his wealth in cells mother.
The blefaroplastia or intervention of the eyelids, can combine with the previous ones, or to be realized of isolated form, without need of hospitable revenue. This intervention is going to return the aspect rejuvenated to the zone palpebral, influencing of very positive form the total appearance of the face.
The different technologies of facial rejuvenation which we have, will be applied according to the needs in every case, as well as according to the preferences of the patient. Being realists in the expectations of improvement and knowing the attainable goals.