Handles and prostate cancer
It seems absurd, really, but keep on reading and you will discover that there is a close correlation between the accumulation of fat around the waist and more likely possibility to develop prostate cancer.
Fat can accumulate in our organism in two ways: under the skin or inside it surrounding the viscera such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, and so on. The most accurate way to measure visceral fat is using a CT o r MRI, although it is much easier to know whether we are storing fat in damaging ways.
We will try to indicate two simple methods that you can perform:
– Take a tape measure and measure your waist circumference.
-Index body mass: we get it by dividing our weight between our height.
The accumulated fat releases harmful substances closely related to hypertension, diabetes, and certain types of dementia, cancer colorectal, breast and prostate too.
These toxic substances would be:
-Certain types of generated excess hormones like oestrogens.
-Obesity associates usually to hyperinsulinemia and an increase of growth factors.
– It often correlates with more or less intense chronic inflammation.
-It stimulates the production of other substances such as leptin.
Prostate cancer: Skinny does not escape from them either
Even thin people can accumulate an excess of visceral fat, as this accumulation is not due solely to inadequate diet but also to the lack of exercise. Physical activity shows as an imperative to reduce the accumulated fat within us. We will indicate you what are the four activities that can help us reduce visceral fat that hurts us so much.
-Physical exercise: it is certainly the first step to take. Performing a type of aerobic exercise, such as fast walking, running quietly, cycling … 30 to 60 minutes 5 days a week.
-Mainly vegetarian diet, introducing lean meats, unprocessed, twice a week. Trying to increase your intake of fruit and fibre-rich substances.
-Getting adequate sleep. The optimum time is 6-7 hours a day.
-Reducing stress.
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You will have noticed that you already know all these rules; maybe you have heard and read about them thousands of times, but every time new scientific studies are confirming their validity, not only to try to prevent prostate cancer but to prevent many other diseases associated with the accumulation of fat.
Dr. Bartolomé Lloret
Director Centro de salud para el Hombre