HPV: how much do you know on the herpes virus?
The HPV or herpes virus is a frequent problem, to almost the whole world it him sounds but they know few ones how to treat it. It verifies how much you know and how to anticipate it in this test.
What is the herpes virus?
There are known more than 100 varieties of this type of virus, apróximadamente 40 can be contagious during the sexual relations. The HPV is the most frequent sexually transmitted disease, in fact more than 50 % of the men will be in touch with the virus along his life. The HPV can be transmitted by vaginal, rectal, oral route and by any contact between mucous.
It answers the following test, chooses a response and verifies what you know on the HPV:
1) How much time is late in the disease appears after supporting a sexual relation with an infected person?
One week
One month
One year
At any time
R: At any time. Enclosed some years after supported credit the relation can demonstrate the disease: we can be carrying, that is to say, we are infected but the virus does not demonstrate. Certain circumstances as the stress, or situations that debilitate the system inmunitario, can make show the disease.
2) how do we know if we suffer herpes virus? When they appear in the genital region, anus or mouth:
All previous
R: All the previous ones. If it appears any of these injuries comes to a professional. Sometimes they can get confused with other diseases of the skin.
4) how can I avoid be contagious?
Using condom
Diminishing the sexual contacts
Vaccinating before the first sexual relations
All the previous ones.
R: All the previous ones. The use of the condom protects locally, but he does not avoid the contagion of the unprotected zones. If we avoid the groups at risk and the promiscuity will diminish the possibility of contagion. Nowadays they arrange of vaccines that protect against the herpes virus but in order that they are effective they must be in use before the first sexual contacts.
5) what type of cancer can provoke the HPV?
Neck of uterus
All previous R: All the previous ones. Only some types of HPV can provoke cancerous injuries. The most known type about cancer is that of neck of uterus, though the HPV is the causer of the majority of cancers of penis, mouth and pharynx. Nowadays one tries to relate the HPV to the cancer of prostate.
6) are the warts, blisters or sores signs of cancer?
R: Not. They are signs that we suffer the disease.
7) though it has neither signs nor symptoms can I infect the disease?
R: Yes The virus is not seen. Though we have neither warts nor blisters, we can transmit the disease, though them having the possibility of contagion it is major.
8) how do I know if I suffer the disease if I do not see anything strange in the genital area?
The blood tests do not allow to know if we are carrying. When we come to the this specialist it realizes several tests: The use of the acetic acid, in the genital zone, and the later exploration with a specific lamp, determines if there are injuries of contagion. A cellular study allows to determine the DNA of the virus.
9) is it possible to treat the HPV with medicines?
R: Not. Nowadays there do not exist medicaments that guarantee the disappearance of the HPV, though yes products that muffle the viral load. In occasions our natural defenses can eliminate the virus and treat the disease. Also we can improve the defenses avoiding trigger situations and to treat the diseases that diminish the response inmunitaria.
10) if my pair suffers herpes can virus me transmit it?
R: Occasionally. The possibilities of contagion are very high when sexual relations are kept with a carrier, though it is not possible to say that the contagion should be sure.
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