IMI acquires the GE Voluson E10 ultrasound with advanced 4D technology
The IMI (Instituto Materno-Infantil),led by Dr. Rafael Fraile, has acquired for their facilities (at Vithas Medimar International Hospital in Alicante) the most advanced technology in ultrasound.
With the GE Voluson E10, IMI is now at the forefront of diagnostic fetal ultrasound in the province of Alicante.
The main advantage of ultrasound imaging in 4D is that by offering real-time image snapshots allow explorations and greater precision in the observation of the fetus. Before, more time was invested to get a 3D volume, but now with the new technology the standby time is shorter. The 4D also facilitates the detection of other problems or pathologies of the baby.
For example, the GE Voluson E10 offers an image of the veins and arteries, allowing physicians monitor the child’s brain or the heart from a date as early as the first quarter. Another of the main features that stands out in the GE Voluson E10 is the color, sharper than the black and white of the traditional ultrasound. This technology, designed by GE Healthcare, is considered the future of the prenatal care.
According to the New York Daily News, “The EG Voluson E10 is a device capable of displaying up to the minimum detail of the baby.On the other hand, Barbara del Prince, managing director of global products of GE Healthcare ultrasound, recalls that in the past “only you could see a flat and two-dimensional image of the fetal profile”.
In addition and in accordance with Medgadget, the Voluson E10 also will have 10 times more speed and higher resolution in the transfer of data, and 4 times the processing capacity of more flexibility with the advanced applications. “This type of ultrasound exam not only allows the parents appreciated the movements of the baby in 3D, a smile or a smirk, but that helps doctors to perform reliable diagnostics in the belly,” says Del Prince. Although the Voluson E10 is suitable for all patients, the device is especially useful in women with high risk pregnancies, “In these cases, doctors are looking for images that respond to specific questions to get a diagnosis as efficient as possible. The images in 4D and its characteristics are a great advantage in this type of pregnancy”.
Benefits of GE Voluson E10
The benefit of the ultrasound 4D, however, is not limited to the obstetrics, but that makes it possible to evaluate other organs in the body, such as for example: uterus, ovaries, kidneys, liver, blood vessels, etc… in addition to this type of ultrasound exam so unique is that unlike X-rays or CTscanning involves no risk of radiation to the baby or the mother after their use. This ultrasound technology has recently been recognized by its effectiveness in the initial diagnosis of kidney stones. “This does not mean that patients should not be performed scans, but I think that the main message is that the ultrasound is the best place to start,” Dr. Charles Scales of Duke University Medical Center in Durham.