Menopause: a burden?
The Dr. Alfredo Gómez, specialist in gynaecology, speaks to us on the mesenteries of the menopause, is it a load? What problems do appear in this stage?
The women were coming one day that they were stopping menstruating and remaining so calm, were assuming his situation without knowing really that it is what happened to them, were lasting since they could his difficult sexual life and were devoting themselves to have a good collection of ranges. The pains were imputing them to the rheumatism, and the evil humor to which the family was giving him many displeasures. But the things have changed, a woman now is a young person and with many life ahead and many things for doing, for what the search of solutions to his problems is to the orden del día.
The doctors for our part we have an arsenal of means them to help, that before we did not have. Only we still have on that both parts we put in agreement.
What is the menopause?
It is a question of a physiological phenomenon that it takes place when the ovary acts deceitfully and allows working. Since consequence this one stops segregating his corresponding feminine, responsible hormones of to support a balance in order that the whole body of a woman works almost as a clock. The lack of these hormones will give place to a series of problems in each of the sectors of the body. The heart will stay without protection, the bones were starting losing bony mass, to cerebral level genius will appear anxiety, depression, emotional instability, sadness, insomnia, loss of the memory, evil, etc.
To metabolic level the cholesterol will increase, there will be an increase of weight principally in the trunk. The vagina will atrophy and produce dryness and pain to itself with the sexual relations, the libido will diminish up to managing to disappear. All that in addition coincides with an epoch where the cancer appears with more frequency, for what, the been general evil together with the fear, they will do that the life of the woman turns into a situation difficult to overcome.
Menopause and quality of life
The current position of the medicine opposite to this situation is of help. First with a periodic contact, at least annual with the woman in trying to diagnose as soon as possible pathologies that can be solved, cancer of breast, endometrium neck, etc. Second in avoiding problems since previously we have exhibited.
Third party to restore a treatment which with the minor prejudice, allows the woman to have VIDA’S QUALITY, which does that his menopause is not a disaster, but a prolongation of the youth which he had enjoyed till now. But for all that it is necessary to leave aside gossips, bad advices, tabúes, and overcoat to be left to advise for the professional who will offer him the better thing, the most new thing and overcoat the least harmful thing to his health.
The doctors we neither are gods, nor have the solution for all the males, but with our knowledge and formation, yes we can give the help for that every woman on having come to the menopause must look.