Physicotherapy and dysfunctions of the pelvic soil
What problems do we can suffer?
– Urinary incontinence; involuntary Loss of demonstrable urine objectively.
– incontinence of Effort; light loss of urine after realizing an effort, sneeze, cough
– incontinence of Urgency; Intense desire of micturition that cannot be controlled.
– Unconscious incontinence; uncontrolled diurnal or night Micturition
– I leak postmiccional – continuous incontinence.
– prolapses; Protusión or prominence of a pelvic organ; cistocele, rectocele, enterocele, etc
-Hipotonía; Decrease of the muscular pelvic tone
– pelvic pain; postpartum Coccigodimia.
All the alterations can deal with urinary difficulties, backache, sexual dysfunction, psico-social alterations, etc how can we avoid it? Generally these pathologies in the woman are secondary to certain pregnancies or childbirths. A good education in pelvic soil for the prevention will avoid the affectation and his possible alterations.
How can we treat it?
Multiple therapeutic possibilities exist for the resolution of the problem. The treatment must be combined and with an equipment interdiscipline. Doctor; it will give us a precise diagnosis of the pathology and will rule the treatment most adapted already be conservative or surgical.
Nurse; Taken care of infirmary physicotherapy
It will try to anticipate the pathology with the education for the health and valuation of the pelvic soil, that is to say with physical therapy. Once restored the pathology we will treat the symptoms and the recovery of the musculature of a conservative way or after surgery.
Psychologist; It will Treat the psico-social affectation
After the pathology being diagnosed and with the medical suitable treatment, the patient must come to the service of physicotherapy to exercise and to re-educate the perineal musculature. Often we listen to women, of medium age, on which resigned and without giving him a lot of importance they comment his ” small incontinence on having coughed, to laugh or to sneeze ” his ” small sexual dysfunction “.
The service of physicotherapy of the Hospital Medimar bets for the prevention and education for the health and if the pathology already is restored we will work to offer him the most suitable treatment.