“Special Woman, part I “
In our first delivery “Special Woman, part I” we interview to: Aida Hernández, Concha Giner, Maria Luisa Graelles, Tonia Salinas, M ª Angels Medina and Juana Gallar.
Three questions, an aim: know closely 12 women of professional success. To arrange work and personal life? We you count everything!
And we ask:
1. Which are your keys for the success?
2. How have you reconciled profession and family?
3. What projects are you developing?
- Aida Hernández, Infantile cardiologist of Hospital Vithas Internacional Medimar in Alicante.
1. The principal one, empathize with the dads: to put in his place when I have to inform, try to understand his worries them, etc. And, especially, to study and to keep up to date. The medicine, as many professions, needs of a continued formation.
2. I love the Pediatrics and the Infantile Cardiology, but they need time. Now I start organizing better, establishing priorities and learning to disconnect when it is necessary, thanks to the patience and comprehension of my family and friends. A better conciliation does that you are better and redounds to a better attention.
3. For time I give Workshops of CPR for parents and schools. I want to increase the solidary labor to which they are linked and to offer them also in English for foreign dads.
- Concha Giner, Medical director Clínica Vistahermosa.
1. For me the professional success is to be employed at that one for what you prepared yourself and that he was deceiving you tremendously. The keys? To believe in you itself, to follow the course that you you marked, to risk when it is necessary and to support a level of high effort. If to it you add one “a bit” of luck, you have it obtained.
2. With many desire, help and total conviction of which it was doing the correct thing. In my family so much to me since they taught to my three brothers that it was necessary to gain the life and that to form a family was a thing of two. Thanks to God, my pair received the same education.
3. Vistahermosa is my great project. To continue doing of this hospital the best of Alicante and to place it in the place that must to him correspond worldwide is our major ambition.
- María Luisa Graells, Boss of the Service Clinical Analyses Hospital General de Alicante.
1. I consider myself to be a very hard-working person and with illusion in what I do. I give him a lot of importance to the made well work.
2. I have three children and always I have had help of my parents, besides external help, therefore, I consider myself to be very lucky, but the great problem that we have the women in Spain is the conciliation of the labor life with the relative. This not this one solved and every time it is worse, do not be if because it does not want to be solved or because one cannot.
3. In these moments, the Laboratory at which I am employed, is in a process of structural total change as well as of change of the IT System.
- Tonia Salinas, General manager of Parque Científico de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH).
1. Responsibility, effort and witness. I depart from the “luck” of having had a few parents who have educated me in these values, and they have given me the possibility of being formed.
2. With the inestimable help of my husband, Juan and of a great friend, Maria Ángeles, without them would not have been possible. In addition I took the decision of not culpabilizarme but I could have bathed my children, or to be present in certain activities.
3. As General manager of the Scientific Park of the UMH, we are centred in promoting the creation of innovative companies and the relation between our investigators and the intensive companies of the Park in I+D+i. As Chairwoman of AEPA, our aim is that the voice of the woman is made hear in different forums, and initiatives as that of Mas that Health they use as example new generations.
Special Woman, part I
- Mª Ángeles Medina, Attached Direction Welfare Continuity of Vinaloposalud.
1. More that to the success, I want to approach the personal happiness and the satisfaction of the made well work. In this sense, the passion and the eternal smile it is my weapon to achieve that the things happen.
2. With a wonderful family that takes part in everything what I do. To share the illusions and projects with them does that they do not see my work as a threat. The new technologies help even for it!
3. My challenge is to promote the cultural change in professionals and citizens to obtain a sanitary sustainable and humanized system. The portal of health for patients, the promotion of the health, and the infantile obesity they are nowadays my more representative projects. In addition I am immersed in a project as enterprising in the area of App’s development to promote healthy habits in the infancy.
- Juana Gallar, Professor in the Department of Physiology of the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH).
1. Undoubtedly a mixture of factors, between which it would emphasize that you apasione what you do. To possess a good formation and to appear the aims of a realistic way is a fundamental .Y, certainly, to have facility to be employed at equipment.
2. To harmonize the personal life and the labor one is a hanging subject, which some of we of us approve for the hair thanks to the fondness and the comprehension of the family.
3. During the last years, our group of investigation has studied the bases of the sensations of inconvenience and pain that they accompany on the dryness of the ocular surface (dry eye). Continuing in the same line, we will continue penetrating into the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for the detection of the dampness of the eye and his regulation, as well as of his alteration in pathological conditions.
And if you have liked it “Special Woman, part I” don’t get lost “Special Woman,part II”. It knows the rest of protagonists, do not get lost our next delivery!