Spring asthenia: the sea water fights the symptoms
The spring asthenia is a temporary disorder that happens due to an alteration of the biological rhythms. The sea water might be the key in the struggle against the despondency and the fatigue in this season.
The experts advise to maintain the body properly hydrated and balanced on minerals, especially on spring. Weariness, lack of motivation and changes in the humor … If you feel identified possibly endure spring asthenia. A period where the individual is not capable of adapting itself correctly to the new station, the state that turns out to be aggravated by the nutritional deficit, in addition to the high temperatures and new schedule. By all it is known that the energy that needs the body to work correctly is obtained by us from the food that we consume. In an ideal situation, a balanced diet is sufficient to cover all the needs for micronutrients that the body needs.
Due to the modernization of the productive systems, the studies demonstrate that the food that nowadays we consume does not contribute the same nutritional value that only a few decades ago. Also, the transformation of the energy that there bring us the food (carbohydrates, fats and proteins), needs large number of micronutrients, between which certain minerals are as there are the calcium, the phosphorus and the magnesium, and trace elements as there are the copper, the iron, the manganese or the zinc.So that, after deficit of mineral salt exists in the current feeding, a mineral and vital imbalance takes place, reverberating in the physical and mental state.
Spring asthenia: properties
In this sense, the experts recommend sea water as nutritional complement energizante or revitalizante, an extra help in pictures of spring asthenia, since it contains 78 mineral salt that our organism needs to work correctly and also, in identical percentages in both cases.According to Dr. Marco Francisco Payá, Doctor of Medicine for the University of Montpellier (France), Qualified in Manual Medicine and Osteopathy, Homeopathy and Fitoterapia and the Director Médico of Laboratories Quinton, “the sea water does that the cells drink and restore its morphology. To restore internally the cells and therefore the organs, it is very advisable to begin in this season a treatment based on sea water, which has an effect drenante and inmunoestimulante, provoking a natural action of the organism opposite to the daily aggressions”.
And he adds: “it is always necessary to prepare the sea water for its consumption, across microfiltration skills in cold esterilizante, of maximum safety and rigor as quality regulation ISO and correct manufacture GMP, according to regulation FDA for nutritive complements”.
A Hypertonic drinkable version exists, especially indicated to bring that one extra of minerals to the organism during the spring. Two blisters a day, consumed before the meals, are sufficient to face the deficiency states.
The version Isotónica, it presents the water of sea diluted with spring water for a consumption supported in the time, to prepare the organism and to keep it hydrated. It is recommended to take two or three times a day, also before the meals or even to sleep.
And you, how do you avoid the spring asthenia?