Surgical staples against the pathologies of the column
Dr. Enrique Albors, traumatologist and specialist in pathologies of the spine. He directs since 1997 the Ozone Therapy Unit of Vithas Medimar International Hospital in Alicante. In addition, he has a wide and experienced team of professionals that helps to obtain excellent results.
The pain is due to a condition of the own back. They are the mechanical ways that are recognized because the pain that is felt varies according to the placement in which the patient is, the movements he performs and the efforts in which he submits.
These pains are not accompanied by any signs of general illness such as fever or weight loss. Today it is known that these painful episodes are essentially debated by the action of non-substances released by nerve fibers, women start the mechanisms that cause pain, inflammation and muscle contracture.
Staples can eliminate back pain in 92% of cases
Neuroreflexotherapy (NRT) is a new effective method to treat mechanical pathologies of the spine: low back pain, neck pain and sciatica. This technique has shown a high efficacy (92%) in studies in patients with mechanical causes of back pain that lasted 14 days, are resistant to pharmacological treatments and in which emergency surgery is not necessary.
“It improves pain, mobility and reduce the use of medication.”
The NRT temporarily and superficially places a surgical material (micro staples and dermal punches) to stimulate nerve fibers of the skin related to the nerves involved in pain, inflammation and muscle contracture.
The placement of the mini-staples, to less than 2 mm. In depth, doesn’t require anesthesia and is performed on an outpatient basis, without requiring hospitalization. In a maximum of 90 days the patient is withdrawn. The use of technology improves pain (sub-acute and chronic), the degree of mobility and reduces the use of medication use in treatment.
According to the results obtained after the intervention of NRT, it will be considered if the patient is discharged, or if, on the contrary, the treatment is repeated, to reach the highest degree of improvement.
A prior consultation is necessary to determine the suitability of this treatment in a patient, that is, so it can proceed to its placement in that same visit. A minimally invasive treatment that gives patients an improvement in their condition without added medications.