The patient’s quality of life is improved by the so-called Ozone therapy
Dr. Albors, a specialist doctor in Ozone therapy , tries to answer us some of the most frequent issues related to this treatment.
What is ozone therapy?
This treatment improve the body’s level of oxygenation, blowing a controlled mixture of ozone and oxygen. There are different ways of administration depending on the pathology to treat: intra-articular, intra-discal, etc. In addition, the so-called Leonardo laser and the vertebral axial decompression are two of the major treatments.
Is restricted to a specifically number of ailments?
This therapy has, as a main advantage, the possibility of being customised for every patient, both at protocol and session levels. There are many pathologies that make suitable the possibility of administering ozone therapy sessions together with the most traditional treatments.
Are we talking about the classical backaches or sciatic pains…?
It is not only used for this; conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatism, chronic fatigue, varicose veins, ulcers, arthralgia, etc. are also treated with ozone therapy. In fact, it is even especially recommended for patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases.
What benefits must we expect from this type of treatment?
This therapy has benefits for many physiological body processes, which make them improve significantly. The final result of the mixture between ozone and oxygen is a powerful antioxidant that, in addition to its revitalising effect, it enables faster recovery processes in patients with senile dementia, glaucoma, etc.
This therapy is, consequently, one of the current therapies in which technology and health are joined to improve the patient’s quality of life.
Hospital Vithas Internacional Medimar