The return to the school, tips for parents!
The return to the school is one of the moments most afraid by the children and possibly most wished by the parents.
In a few days the school will begin and again it has to regularize schedules, meals and routines. As the adults the infantes also can endure anxiety or stress provoked by the doubts that they arise: the new teachers, the partners, the matters, etc.
That’s why the Dra. Lucía Galán speaks on the return to the school and what advices the parents must continue to facilitate this moment.
It is not doubt that 2 months and a half of holidays asilvestran to the most meek. And that we are parents well we know it. Every day they go to bed at a different hour and the later, the better. When you come of working with the intention of eating with them, already they have eaten, or do not want to eat because they have taken an ice cream; when it touches the dinner, there is no way of them sitting in the table … The “engine” with which they get up it does not go out up to 3 seconds before falling down produced in the bed. I always thought that the children have a button ON/OFF behind the nape … the form in which from 0 to 100 happen it follows me fascinating. There are days without end in which the sensation gives to the mothers that we do not come on time … they are accelerated and we between the work, the house and to try to maintain a few minimal norms day by day end exhausted. But although the return to the school for us the parents are good news, for the children, initially they it are not. In major or less measurement it is difficult to them to adapt itself again to the school routine. And we must understand them, must put ourselves in its place because also it happens to us.
Who of us returns happily and satisfied to the work after having spent a few days of absolute disconnection and without obligations? Has any of you given happiness jumps on having entered the office after the holidays? Do not say to me that yes that I send you to the specialist … Well, since for them it is not easy either, first of all we must penetrate into its microworld of worries, the piece of news teacher, the new course and empatizar with our son. It helps them very much to see that we understand its feelings and not only that, if not that also happened to us when we had its age. – “Fondness, I understand thatit does not feel like to you returning very much to the school; also I occurred to me when it had your age … In this moment we have tuned in to him, to its emotions, to its fears. Next we will have to confront the topic with OPTIMISM and ILLUSION.
We must look for the positive points of the return to the school:
– You be going to meet again with all your friends again!
– You will return with the soccer championship! This sure year that you remain first!
– You are going to change teacher and of course it will be very nice and affectionate.
– You will be already in the courtyard of the biggest …
– You will be able to sign up to some out-of-school class that you should like. Also it is important to buy the school material with him. That accompanies us, that he could choose its new rucksack, its case and its colors. We must make them participants of all the changes that affect them straight. A few days earlier it is convenient to begin putting us to bed a little earlier so that the change is not so sudden; although my experience is that although they exhaust until the last day going to bed late, to the third day of school, at 9 p.m. they fall down produced in the bed. I do not know very well what they give them in the school, but they return exhausted! or not? So we are not so strict in its last days of holidays either. He makes use of any opportunity to solve its doubts, its fears.
Do not finish the conversations with one “Bah, that it is bullshit of small child”. Perhaps for you be bullshit but to him it is possible that they take the sleep from him, so he remembers “to go down at its level” and to get into its “microworld”. Listen to him, caress him while it tells you its things … try to give solution to each of its worries and always with optimism and energy.
Our children are our mirror: If we are enthusiasts and make happy, they also it will be. If on contrary, we are negative and pessimists, they will be a few frightened and shy children. Do not fall down in this error. He accompanies your son to the school in its first day; we must do an effort, ask a partner for the favor to cover us or even, ask us for the free day for this moment. It is worth it. And if not, again to put yourselves in its place: If you have to happen for a situation that you aterra, or that at least imposes on you and scares you …: do not you prefer to make it accompanied? But if we even go together to the bath the women: How are not we going to accompany our children in its first day of school?
When you say goodbye of him, give him a kiss, a hug cortito, do not lengthen the farewell that does not go away to the military service. Say goodbye with one “In a ratitio we meet! And it pass super good!!!!”. And already finally, when you gather it, it leaves that it tells you, it will start with everything negative … but you will turn round him to the conversation. You will end up by speaking about the positive thing and about the special thing that had its first day of school!! And then will they say to you that something similar to what he said to me does a pair of years my elder son on having gone out of the school: “Mom, you know who has touched me of teacher?” With eyes as plates and with a smile of ear to ear it pierces me: “Te wife of the director!”
Dra. Lucía Galán Bertrand Pediatrician.
Hospital Vithas Internacional Medimar.