Treatment of prostatitis

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t is common for women to come to a gynecologist to be performed explorations periodically, but what about the men?come to the urologist with the same frequency?Are sufficiently aware of the problems that can suffer?

Dr. Bartolome Lloret speaks to us of the most frequent disease in your query, the prostatitis. The symptoms of this infection, such as detect it, and its treatment are some of the key points.

We are accustomed to hear of the diseases of the prostate as a problem typical of men.

However, the inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) is a common disease that affects more than 10% of the males, and can boot from the age of 18.

This means that a man is 20 times more likely to suffer from prostatitis that to develop a large prostate (benign hyperplasia) and 40 times more likely to suffer from a prostate cancer.

The prostate may become inflamed or infected as any other body giving rise to the following symptoms:

– Pain or burning with urination, persisting in the final part of the urethra (penis)

– Discomfort, tension in the lower abdomen (between the navel and the pubic bone) or between the anus and testicles

– Discomfort that increase during or after ejaculation

– Temporary loss of libido and even erectile dysfunction transitory.

Don’t miss more time!All of these pains, treated adequately, and since the first time, will disappear within a few days, but what is really the problem? The reality is that when the patient comes to the query makes it too late, probably after weeks or months of discomfort that either have not been treated or have been improperly.

A late treatment of the disease involve months of taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatories in the best of cases, with a chronification of the problem in the worst of them. Therefore, an early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to achieve a cure.


If you suffer from any of the symptoms described above, go to your urologist and tell him exactly what happens, when they started the symptoms, its intensity, etc.

The explorations basic that the doctor will ask you will:

-Ultrasound bladder and prostate

-Analytical of blood and urine basic

-Analytical of semen with crop

This evidence is sufficient, in the beginning, to diagnose and initiate the appropriate treatment.Treatment of prostatitis your urologist, based on the evidence described above, will focus the treatment on the basis of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and natural substances.Although they are not intense if you tend to be longer treatment to destroy all the bacteria that remain in the prostate and avoid outbreaks repetitive and chronification. If we have ragged clothes late and you already suffers from a chronic prostatitis, arm yourself with patience but not desist: there are many things you can do to level doctor to overcome the disease.


– Avoid the fruits that produce an acidic urine: lemons, oranges, blueberries … .

– Do not drink coffee or tea in abundance

– Reduce the chocolate and spicy foods or with many spices

– Stop thealcohol intake.


– Do not sit more than two hours and never on hard surfaces

– Don’t hold your urine when you have the urge to urinate: it is better to urinate often, albeit uncomfortable

-Sexual intercourse on a regular basis, although obstructs the urethra after,and don’t be afraid to the possible spread of your partner, this never exists.

-Learn how to relax with habits, such as hot water baths, practicing yoga, and the session acupuncture because they help to relax the muscles perineal and network muscular prostate.

Doctor Bartolome Lloret

Urologist Centro de Salud para el Hombre

Hospital Vithas International Medimar

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