Más Que Salud, a healthy magazine
Every time we publish an issue of our magazine we go through the same process of «pregnancy and childbirth».
It sounds serious but it is true. We bring you the first cover of the 2016 January issue and, besides wishing you the best for all our friends and family, we want to tell you a little about us, Más que Salud.
Make all the gear work, match and get successfully in time the new Mag to you, is a team effort.
Without planning it will be impossible, but a publication on paper and digital, takes a lot of work .
So today I want to publish this post dedicated to the people who make the magazine hits the streets, on time, every quarter,now for over 10 years.
You do not think that everything is a bed of roses maybe? No. The healthiest of struggles, the fight, happens in our offices daily. From the cover to the main topic of the next issue, everything gets discussed and talked about at Más que Salud.
We all debate, all contribute, we all have our own opinion, and we defend our ideas.
Keep up a publication on paper today,has its intricacies, but that´s not new for you, and we could write about that a long article, but not today. Some say that the future has already taken another direction, some people said the same about the radio long time ago, and there she is still…
We agree, but only in part and our blog speaks with figures of it, but remain attached to the paper.
We like handling it and sharing it and taking it home to read later.
Many people do, too, and not because they are older and are not Internet users , is because the magic of paper is still with them.
Healthy magazine
A book in hand, a magazine or newspaper, turning the pages and sitting and reading it,are moments, that we treasure, still a luxury that many do not want to stop enjoying.
Here we are with you, supporting the good practice in Más Que Salud, hopefully for a long time.
We continue bringing you information about medicine, our goal.
With particular emphasis on issues of concern to women, like beauty, nutrition, healthy recipes and tips.
So here you have the 7 things that make successful people, we add healthy, before going to sleep, Felipe Bernal, in lecturaagil.com, and we add some more of our own:
- Reading, reading holy!
- Disconnect from work, necessary.
- Spending time with your family, important.
- Make a list of things to do, convenient to sleep peacefully!
- Exercise, it´s healthy for you.
- Think positive, we add: and visualize it!
- Imagine the success that lie ahead, we add: dream, what is life without dreams?
- This one on us: be THANKFUL to whom you may consider , thankful for life and for your health.
We look forward to this new year with all of you, our friends, on the Mag and the digital version, two worlds that are living together, making our team Más que Salud continue working for you.
Ana Espadas