Probiotics to help you through Christmas

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This holiday season we eat many different things, if we add traveling to other countries where the hygienic and sanitary conditions  are different to ours, we do have a scenario . It is necessary to take a probiotic in our bag, this would help us if you have a stomach or intestinal problem.

All excesses are bad, but the Christmas foods are very tempting and we eat way too much, this can cause gastrointestinal upset. Either by eating different food or water consumption or products that may be contaminated, the digestive system suffers.

“Diet is the external factor that influences the microbiota,” recalls Dr. Laura Arranz I. “When the intestine is attacked by viruses, bacteria or parasites, intestinal flora is altered, fall and defensive mechanisms appear diarrhea “he explains. In the case of travel, about 40% rating * often have diarrhea while traveling. In this situation it is advisable to go to a probiotic as Ultra Levura®, the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii is responsible for preventing and restore the bacterial balance to function normally.

To take into account a number of healthy guidelines help you live a Christmas smoothly, both at home anywhere in the world.

Prevention factors

Although we can not always choose our food at this time, because the meetings are very frequent and abundant commitments, we will seek to maintain a balanced base of carbohydrates, fat, protein and fiber diet. In addition, it is important to take care of food especially the days between celebrations to compensate the possible excesses.

If we decided to take the day off to travel, destination and type of trip are risk factors that can be alleviated if we incorporate certain habits to our routine:

Only drink beverages and bottled water, no ice, and use the latter for brushing teeth.
Boiling water infusions at least 5 minutes.
Bring purification tablets to treat water.
Do not eat vegetables, fruits with skins, meat, shellfish, seafood or seafood.
Avoid sauces.
Wash hands frequently with soap.
If, despite precautions diarrhea occurs should increase fluid intake and diet control: “We must follow a stringent diet in order to absorb excess water content in the intestine and attempt to turn liquids and nutrients to the body to help the intestinal tract inflammation, “said the doctor. That is, those foods that nourish our body will tolerate better and avoid those who might harm us.

Nutritional advice to alleviate diarrhea

A proper diet will also help reduce the effects of an intestinal disorder.

Eat: white meats and fish; potatoes, carrots and rice, toasted white bread, banana, apple or quince …
Drinking fluids after each deposition will help.
Eating foods rich in potassium.
Drop-fat and fried foods, meats, seafood, foods with lactose, fructose and / or sorbitol.
During the first days, no milk, raw or cooked vegetables, fresh fruits (except grated apple).
Avoid coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, vegetables, cereal fiber, spicy, dried fruit, sauces, sweets …
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of clear liquids each day (bottled water or a solution rehidratadora 5% glucose).
Suggestions to enable recovery

Eating food in small portions and several times a day to stop the accelerated bowel function and facilitate digestion.
Eat slowly, slowly chewing any food.
Use gentle cooking (boiled, baked or grilled) and longer than usual.
Serve meals at room temperature, both heat and cold temperature stimulate intestinal activity.
Get enough rest.
If the process continues beyond three days it is necessary to consult a specialist. To prevent relapse and restore intestinal flora is advisable to take probiotics as they are living microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, provide a health benefit.

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